Trenton Microloan Collaborative is a 1K Churches Initiative of Westminster and Nassau Presbyterian Churches
Westminster and Nassau Presbyterian Churches are committed to promoting an economy that honors the good work of deserving small businesses. We affirm the building of community through new economic relationships grounded in equity, fairness, and mutual respect.
Those returning from prison after years behind bars often have few people to rely on and little or no credit history—which means that pulling together even a small sum can be almost impossible. The Trenton Microloan Collaborative provides loans to returning citizens in Trenton who have been in business for 2+ years and who demonstrate their passion and capacity to be fiscally responsible and contributors to the community of Trenton.
The program is designed to offer more than funding. Each applicant is supported with wrap-around business services and savvy, encircled by a team of community experts and activists who assist with anything from helping to get caught up on back taxes to working alongside an applicant to help them grow their network, where connections to community and corporate leaders can be so vital.
TMC is grateful for the generous grants we received from the following:
1) The Synod of the Northeast
2) The Coastlands Presbytery
3) Unitarian Universalist Church of Washington Crossing
Jean Woodman, Administrative Co-Leader & Stated Leader, Coastlands Presbytery (center).
Dan Tuft, Universalist Unitarian Church, Washington Crossing.
Trenton Microloan Collaborative’s 3rd Anniversary Album
October 19, 2024
Celebrating Trenton Microloan Collaborative’s
2nd Anniversary, October 21,2023
Celebrating that Trenton Microloan Collaborative now has served seven recipients.